Während ich nicht so recht weiß, ob ich lachen oder heulen soll kommt Reddit User GreenteaBanana vermutlich vor Lachen nicht in den Schlaf! nach der Uni schlendert er in einen An- und Verkauf, schaut sich ein wenig um und entdeckt eine gut erhaltene Leica M2 35mm Kamera mit einem Elmar 50mm f/2.8 Objektiv. Allerdings zahlt er für diese Kombination keine 1500 Dollar, sondern lediglich FÜNF! PetaPixel hat nachgefragt und hier gibt es die ganze Story:
I was walking to the college Library to meet up with my accounting group for a project. Along the way there was a little station set up where they were offering people $1 if they would watch a 4 minute video. So I watched the video because I wouldn’t mind a quick and easy dollar bill (which happened to be some anti-meat organization video). And then for the next 3 hours I was working on the project.
Afterwards I needed something to eat. So doing what any frugal college student would do, I walked to the grocery store nearby and bought some cheap cup noodles. After paying, I saw one of those scratch card lottery machines and knew I had a dollar in my pocket from earlier so I bought a ticket which I won $10 from. I went back to school to eat and then study some more and then I decided to walk over to the Value Village with a friend that was nearby where I would occasionally find cheap things that I could resell online for a reasonable profit.
I thought it was just going to be another slow day with me walking out with nothing but when I entered the electronics section I saw a bulky looking mid century camera. I thought it wasn’t going to be anything special because I would see cameras like these pretty often although in the past I have found a Contax TVS III, as well as a Rollei 35 being put up for sale. So I pick the camera up and the first thing I notice is the lid to the lens which read Leica. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I thought I was in a dream for a second, I whispered in excitement to my friend and told him that this was the Rolls Royce of film cameras and is worth a ton! I didn’t want to cause any commotion and I didn’t bother checking the rest of the store out so I immediately bought it with my scratch ticket winnings and happily left!
Glück muss man haben.