Das Holz ein feiner Werkstoff ist, brauche ich euch sicherlich nicht erzählen. Man kann draus einfach alles machen. Ein wenig handwerkliches Geschick vorausgesetzt. Meister-Schreiner Rihards Vidzickis zaubert zum Beispiel gleich ein ganzes Kanu aus einem Baumstamm und wird dabei von einer Kamera begleitet.
„Richard’s passion to wood is not only sculpturing and carving it but also knowing the wood in a scientific level. So Richard has studied in Technical university as a student and reached his degree of Doctor in engineering materials science, so he has combined the craft, nature and science in his life and work. While working in furniture making during the studies, with making different kinds of difficult wood carving for Jugend, Barrocal, Renesance design style furniture, Richard has discovered that he tends to get back to more rustic, robust and natural forms of wood, so he created a park of massive wooden sculptures, wood crafts museum and live workshop where Richard lives and creates wooden bowls, plates, boats and accepts visitors to share his work and lifestyle.“
via Maik