Abgefahrene Perspektive – Ein Vulkanausbruch aus dem Weltraum


So ein Vulkanausbruch ist an sich ja schon beeindruckend und beängstigend genug, wenn man es aus einer „normalen“ Perspektive sieht. Wenn man das ganze Schauspiel aber aus dem Weltraum betrachtet, wird noch eine Schippe oben draufgelegt. So geschehen, Mitte 2009, als der Sarychev Vulkan auf den Kurilen, einer Inselgruppe im Nordosten Japans, ausbrach. Die ISS dokumentierte das Schauspiel aus 400 Kilometern Höhe.

NASA | Sarychev Volcano Eruption from the International Space Station

„This detailed astronaut photograph is exciting to volcanologists because it captures several phenomena that occur during the earliest stages of an explosive volcanic eruption. The main column is one of a series of plumes that rose above Matua Island on June 12. The plume appears to be a combination of brown ash and white steam. The vigorously rising plume gives the steam a bubble-like appearance; the surrounding atmosphere has been shoved up by the shock wave of the eruption. The smooth white cloud on top may be water condensation that resulted from rapid rising and cooling of the air mass above the ash column. This cloud is probably a transient feature: the eruption plume is starting to punch through. The structure also indicates that little to no shearing wind was present at the time to disrupt the plume. (Satellite images acquired 2-3 days after the start of activity illustrate the effect of shearing winds on the spread of the ash plumes across the Pacific Ocean.)“

Volcano Eruption From Space As Seen From The ISS

via Blogbuzzter

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