Drohnen, wohin das Auge scheint. Mittlerweile hat jeder Zweite so ein edles teil, nur weiß nicht jeder wie – und vor allem wo – man damit fliegen kann. Des einen Freud ist des anderen Leid. Die niederländische Polizei hat nun nach Wegen gesucht, Drohnen aus dem Himmel zu holen. Ganz ohne Schusswaffen oder Fangnetze – dafür mit einem Adler. Wie das aussehen kann, seht ihr im Video:
The Dutch police have partnered with Guard From Above, a raptor training company based in Denmark, to determine whether eagles could be used as intelligent, adaptive anti-drone weapon systems. The eagles are specially trained to identify and capture drones, although from the way most birds of prey react to drones, my guess is that not a lot of training was necessary. After snatching the drone out of the sky, the eagles instinctively find a safe area away from people to land and try take a couple confused bites out of their mechanical prey before their handlers can reward them with something a little less plastic-y. The advantage here is that with the eagles, you don’t have to worry about the drone taking off out of control or falling on people, since the birds are very good at mid-air intercepts as well as bringing the drone to the ground without endangering anyone.