Was man halt so macht, wenn der Sohn das Haus verlässt


Die lieben Kinder werden älter. Das ist der normale Lauf der Dinge. Nur dass so mache Mutter nicht darüber hinwegkommt. Was also tun? Eine Möglichkeit wäre es sich an die neue Situation zu gewöhnen, eine andere sich einen Sohn zum Kuscheln selbst zu bastelt. Klingt irgendwie nicht ganz richtig? Finden wir auch. Aber jedem das seine.

„My son is reaching puberty. We used to cuddle all the time, but those days are becoming scarce. Now he rather hangs with friends, plays with his phone and listens to his iPod. Exactly according to nature’s plan. I am a good mother, so of course I accept this and I am happy he is a healthy kid.

We laugh a lot about the stretching gap between his needs and mine. Him needing more of his own space and my covert needs to keep on smothering him with maternal love. I am a textiles designer and he often helps me and has great creative ideas. So we started to fantasize how we could visualize this puberty gap. So I suggested to make a cuddly version of him!“


dfhkashdfklhsdfhsldhfsdfsdf via Dangerous Minds

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