An wen geht der Strafzettel, wenn das Auto keinen Fahrer hat


Neue Zeiten bringen neue Probleme. Wie in diesem Fall. Ein Polizist hielt ein Auto an, nachdem es in einer 30 mph mit stolzen 24 mph die Straßen unsicher machte. Das Problem dabei: Es handelte sich um ein „Google Driverless Car“. Der Insasse, war sich keiner Schuld bewusst.

From CNN:

In a Google Plus post, the Google Self-Driving Car Project pled guilty to slow driving.

„We’ve capped the speed of our prototype vehicles at 25 mph for safety reasons,“ the post said. „We want them to feel friendly and approachable, rather than zooming scarily through neighborhood streets.“

In the end, the officer determined the car had broken no law. No harm, no foul.

And no ticket was issued — not because there was no driver to whom to issue it but because the car had committed no violation.


via Boing Boing

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