Wenn sich Star Wars in das echte Leben schleicht – Eine Fotostrecke


Fotograf Thomas Dagg hat mit seinen Fotos eine neue Welt kreiert. Eine Welt in der Star Wars und unsere eigene Wirklichkeit, scheinbar nahtlos miteinander verschmelzen. Seine Schwarz-Weiß-Fotografien versetzen den Betrachter mühelos in die Jugend zurück und fesseln ihn am Bildschirm. Sehr eindrucksvoll!

The inspiration was always there, really. I had a very overactive imagination as a kid. This was what I saw when I looked around the world. If there was a jogger running, my mind raced back to Dagobah and Luke training, for example. I used a lot of toys/my most prized possessions from back then to composite in, too. It’s very much an homage to my childhood, not just putting popular culture into photographs. It’s funny looking back. I used to doodle ships and things over photographs back then, so when I was finally comfortable enough with the compositing, I started working on the major memories I had. Two years later and I’m happy to finally release them.






gefunden bei Karsten via Esquire

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